January 3, 2010

3.365, January 3rd, 2010

Myself. I am super sneezy right now, hence the tissues. I'm also running hot, so hence the cheap 'wife beater'.

D is for Diamonds

My boyfriend got me that necklace for my 17th birthday, speaking of which my 18th is coming up in five days.

January 2, 2010

Double Whammy

2.365, January 2nd, 2010

This is a majority of what I did for the first part of my day. I read. Currently it's Diary by Chuck Palahniuk, my favourite author (Fight Club, Choke).

C is for Caffine


Seems that New Years has given me a head-cold. I just can't be bothered to get out of my forest green AA hoodie, Target black sweats, and slipper moccasins. This means, I miss my volunteer shift and a lot of other things. Henceforth, why I can't be bothered to recreate my outfit.
I have however taken photos of what it looks like on a hanger, upcloses of the jewelery, etc...
Not even worth posting to Chictopia, so I'm not posting it there, haha.

[shirt-Brass Plum, skinny slacks-UO, belt- Wet Seal, flats- Target, sequin hat- Fred Meyer's, pendent- vintage]

That hat was a little annoying to wear, but very appropiate for the occasion. The pendent is actually from a meteorite that used to be my mom's. As you can tell, I found the pointed toe flats finally and I love them dearly now.

January 1, 2010

1.365 January 1st, 2010

And so begins my Project Three Sixty-Five!
That was a delicious blue berry muffin I ate this morning. Granted I didn't party hardy, like I wanted to, but I had a really good time staying up with my boyfriend's family.
I hope that I can keep up with this project and the resolutions I've made.
I will do my outfit post tomorrow, for I am still nursing the too many cups of coffee I had to stay up til the New Year.